Western democratic governments are generally subject to rules that hold them to account when they overstep the mark, ensuring that the government does not arbitrarily decide who speaks and what we say; a government cannot shut down a newspaper because it doesn’t like what it says. Facebook has no such restrictions.

Democracy was fought for to give us all a voice, all a say in how things should be done, a share in the sovereignty of the nation. It emerged to make us all masters of our destiny. By enfranchising all of us, it makes sure that no one becomes a serf again.

Philip Davies has been elected to Parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee. Many people have expressed outrage that someone who complained that ‘feminist zealots’ are trying to stir up trouble, or who suggested that more women should be sent to prison, has been elected to a committee that looks to highlight issues that women and minorities […]

What do we want from our prison system? The two recent prison riots in Kent and Birmingham have brought this question to the fore again. These riots are the culmination of a deteriorating prison service, with massive staff shortages since G4S took over, overcrowding and eating next to “unscreened” toilets. A staff member at wormwood […]

This Christmas period the UK will be hit by a wave of strikes in the transport and postal sectors. This will cause massive amounts of inconvenience to Joe Public, and risks making this a fitting Christmas for 2016. Understandably, people are annoyed, and they have got lots of airtime in the media. Which is the […]

What would the world be like without borders, without states, without governments? A world with no taxes, no police, no social housing. Rather than going down the pub and talking to the resident anarchist, there may be an easier, and more instructive, way to find out. Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, has called the […]

In the face of this bloodshed, this loss of humanity, of civilians being shot in their own homes by pro-Assad forces, can it really be right that non-intervention is always the correct answer?

On Saturday, the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated with international Human Rights Day. It is day where we are called upon to “…reaffirm our common humanity. Wherever we are, we can make a real difference.” In keeping with that, I want to talk about the human right to property. The […]

Nothing is real. I think a lot of us feel that this is close to the truth right now, waking up each day hoping that it was all a dream. Brexit didn’t happen. Trump didn’t win. Two men of the people didn’t have their picture taken in front of a dictator-esque golden door. But each […]

Some facts. Some have predicted that the UK will have a shortfall of 3.1 million workers by 2050. More widely, to continue growth at current levels, Europe will need to take in 80 million migrants by 2050. Despite this, European countries have increased the difficulty of inward migration. The increased border controls have still not […]